Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Craft #1- Table Decoration

This is my very first Christmas craft ever! I would love to say that it was all planned out and was my intentions all along to get crafty, but I would be lying. It was desperation that drove me to this place.

I must give a quick shout out to my Mommy for handing down her craftiness to me. If it weren't for her I don't know what my house would look like this holiday season. Thanks Mom!

So here it is, my very first Chirstmas craft. Let me know what you think. I really love it.

Photo 1
It all started with this glitter pail that I'd purchased from the 99 Cent Store. I had no clue what I was going to do with it at the time. I just thought it was cute.

Photo 2
I used a Target shopping bag to fill the bottom of the pail.

Photo 3
Originally, I'd stuffed a sales mailer into the pail to give lift. But I could see the paper. Then, EUREEKA! I thought, if I'm gonna see what's inside it could at least blend in. So I ran into the kitchen and grabbed some aluminum foil to wrap the mailer.

Photo 4
Here's the beginning of something... I can see it already. Looks like a festive Jiffy Pop. LOL!

Photo 5 (top)
Pulled out my handy dandy glue gun and let the games begin! The Christmas balls are also from the 99. I love that place.

Photo 5 (side)
Here's a side shot.

Photo 6
And now it's really coming together. Love it already.

Photo 7
Here it is! My creation! You can see the foil through the balls. That could've been *gasp* paper! o_O

Photo 8- The Finished Product
Tah Dah!!! Here's my very 1st Christmas Craft. My very own table decoration. Now, I just need a table. LOL!

Was going thru my blogroll and realized today is Thrifty Thursday. So I figured, yes it's mid-July (the 19th), but I really loved this craft and thought it was worth sharing.

I've linked this post to

Feminine Adventures

There are really great money saving ideas!!! Go check 'em out!

Miracles & Blessings,


  1. SO cute! We're moving this week and next, but I can't wait to start decorating my new home. Thanks for sharing your lovely craft at Thrifty Thursday!

    1. Thanks Anna! I was so proud of this craft! I was sooo desperate to create a Christmas-y feel in my house. It's difficult to do without having a tree. We have chosen not to have a tree and haven't for about 5 years now. So I gotta inject the holiday spirit in whatever way I can.

      Plus, it was our first Christmas in this place, so I was really decorating as it came to me. But in the end I was pretty satisfied with how it all turned out.

      I pray your move is easy.

      Miracles & Blessings,



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